Adusting the neck is one of the final steps of Kinsei treatment.

Holistic Japanese Remedial Therapy

The Medicine of Movement姿勢医学

Balance restored バランスを正す

Alleviating chronic and acute disorders with gentle precision 効能ある慢性、急性の障害

Acute or Chronic Pain 慢性痛 ・急性痛
Severe lower back pain, herniated disc, sciatica, osteitis pubis, carpal tunnel syndrome, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia, whiplash 重度の腰痛、ヘルニア、坐骨神経痛、恥骨痛、股関節痛、手根管症候群、偏頭痛、三叉神経痛、肋間神経痛、ムチウチ症、など。
Joints & Muscles 関節炎・関節痛・筋肉障害
Arthritis, ankle sprain, TMJ syndrome, prepatella bursitis, frozen shoulder, trigger finger, wry neck, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, golf and tennis elbow 捻挫、顎関節症、膝の腫脹、40/50肩、断発指、斜頸、外反拇趾、アキレス腱痛、関節炎ゴルフ/テニス肘、手首痛、など。
Reproduction & Fertility 婦人科系障害
Prolapsed womb, urinary incontinence, post-natal weight gain, miscarriage prevention, labour induction, breech birth, irregular menstruation, severe period pain, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause 子宮脱、尿漏れ、産後の肥満症、生理痛、生理不順、子宮内膜症、逆子、不妊症、分娩促進、流産どめ、更年期障害 、妊娠中の腰痛など。
Diverse conditions その他
Anxiety, asthma, rash, heartburn, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, numbness, haemorrhoids, Bell’s palsy 自律神経失調症、耳鳴り、喘息、胸やけ、痔、ジンマシン、めまい、顔面マヒ、不眠 、しびれ、など。

Suzuki sensei treating patient

What is Shisei Kinsei? 姿勢均整とは?

Founded in Japan in 1949, Shisei Kinsei is a highly sensory form of remedial therapy rooted in Oriental medicine and influenced by Osteopathy and other Western modalities. Shisei Kinsei (or Kinsei for short) translates as “Postural Balance.”

At its core, Shisei Kinsei strives to harmonise balance, flexibility and strength in the pursuit of patient health.

Using only the hands, the practitioner first diagnoses a patient’s form – or “Shisei” – before symptomatic treatment to more permanently address the causes of illness and disorder.


Movement is the essence of life 施術に関して

The 12 Shisei 姿勢の歪み ー 12種体型

Your Shisei is how your body holds itself to neutralise imbalance. A powerful diagnostic tool, the Shisei is the starting point for treatment; and new patients might notice it holds greater focus for the practitioner than any reported symptoms. There are 12 possible Shisei, or patient forms. A person’s Shisei is reflected in their external appearance such as the body’s alignment, proportions, face shape and mobility limitations. It also dictates their mental and emotional characteristics and predispositions to illness.


Movement and Health 病気でない病気のはじまりー 姿勢のゆがみ

Encouraging healthy movement isn’t just about softening tense muscles or loosening joints. Good function depends on optimal cellular activity within and between organs, muscles, joints, connective tissue and the skeleton. Overactivity and underactivity at the cellular level present opposing but similar challenges for treatment: both indicate imbalance, which can impair gross motor function, contributing to a person’s Shisei.

Constipation, gastric reflux and irregular periods are just some of the conditions characterised by overactivity or underactivity, which the practitioner treats by either stimulating or inhibiting organ movement.


The Practitioner’s Hand 施術師の手

The traditional Japanese word for First Aid is “te-ate” which literally means: “place hand”.

A Shisei Kinsei practitioner first uses precise hand and finger techniques to feel deep inside an acupuncture point, assessing rhythm, pulse, strength and weakness for signs of imbalance. Appropriate treatment techniques might then include gentle touch, rotations, pulling, stretching, or pushing stimuli. The stimulus applied varies according to the Shisei being treated and the patient condition.


Treatment 服装とご注意

During a treatment the practitioner works on different areas of the patient’s fully clothed body such as the feet, abdomen, and back. We ask that you wear appropriate, flexible attire such as soft pants, shirt and socks. No shorts or skirts please. To maximise effectiveness please do not drink alcohol, have a bath or long shower or exercise after your treatment and try to have a good rest. Shisei Kinsei therapy can be safely applied regardless of your age.



Tsukiko Suzuki

Tsukiko Suzuki鈴木 月子

Deep respect

I first heard about Shisei Kinsei from a highly regarded master physiotherapist whose clinic was frequented by over 50 clients per day. Both father and son had practised Shisei Kinsei techniques. Discovering that the Shisei Hokken Kinsei Medical School was well organised and licensed by the department of health, I decided to study the discipline. After graduation students usually undertake further advanced study under a mentor in Japan. I took the unusual approach of also becoming a patient of my mentor. I experienced his refined technique first hand for 11-years. I could not have achieved my current expertise without this training.

In 2001 I closed my clinic in Tokyo, and migrated to Australia where I continued to practise and teach Shisei Kinsei. One day I injured the biceps muscle in my right arm while playing tennis. It was a very serious and debilitating injury affecting my ability to even lift chopsticks, let alone practice Shisei Kinsei. Since surgery to re-attach the muscle, followed by six months physiotherapy and cortisone treatments failed to restore the full use of my arm, surgeons finally recommended neck surgery. I decided to return to Japan for treatment from my mentor before trying further surgery. Shisei Kinsei treatment restored power to my arm within 3 and half months.

The treatment was so effective that my respect for Shisei Kinsei and my mentor's amazing techniques reached new heights. Indeed it was like the hand of a god! My mentor instilled an understanding of life dedicated to studying and practising pure Shisei Kinsei technique, listening to one's own soul without the distraction of mixed disciplines. I really appreciate my mentor for showing me the meaning of respect at the deepest level.

  • Bachelor of Physical Education, Chukyo University
  • Master of Art Leeds University, England
  • Shisei Kinsei practitioner, Shisei Hoken Kinsei Techinical College
  • Lecturer - Exercise Physiology at Jyoshi Bijyutsu University (21 years)
  • Part Time Lecturer - Exercise Physiology at Japan Vetinerary Medicine University and Japan University
  • Shisei Kinsei practitioner at Wellbeing at Convent, Australia

姿勢均整を初めて聞いたのは、1日50人以上の患者が来る西永福駅前の接骨院院長からです。先代から姿勢均整法を使ってる、と聞きました。そこで、半信半疑で東京都世田谷区にある姿勢保健均整専門学校へ行ってみると、文部省認可、厚生省推薦の、堂々たる2年制の専門学校でした。弟子入りは他の方と違い、師のやり方を見ているのではなく、実際に施術を受けて学びました。毎週一回、11年間施術を受けさせて頂きました。恩師の指導は、他の技術や道具に頼るな、と厳しく諭されました。それは楽だが、手が完全に狂い、道を外すと。 この弟子入りなく、均整師としての私はありません。

  • 中京大学 体育学部体育学科卒業
  • 英国Leeds 大学 大学院 体育学部運動生理学学科卒業
  • 姿勢保健均整専門学校 卒業(現:東都リハビリテーション学院)
  • 日本大学、日本獣医畜産大学(現:日本獣医生命科)、女子美術大学
  • 大乗淑徳学園淑徳短期大学、産業能率大学にて、体育、運動生理学教鞭
  • 2021年より豪州メルボルンにて、姿勢均整クリニック開業
John Meredith

John Meredithジョン メレデス

Discovering health

For most of my life I have been interested in very serious health conditions, and particularly, to discover ways to treat illnesses that are often considered incurable. Having grown up in the country distant from healthcare services, I searched for practical solutions. I did not want to simply induce a sense of relaxation, or temporarily relieve discomfort, but to be able to treat specific problems that people had great trouble finding a solution for. Initially considering physiotherapy, I changed direction slightly, completing a Bachelor of Science degree in 1998 with a special interest in human anatomy. Searching for a suitable therapy, I spent four years researching and receiving treatment in various modalities without finding one that hit the mark.

In 2002, I went to a Japanese cultural festival here in Melbourne and noticed some practitioners of Japanese manual therapies. The queue to see one practitioner was particularly long, while the others had only a few people waiting. I asked what method the diminutive, very focussed lady called Suzuki Sensei with 82 patients was using and was told “Shisei Kinsei". I made an appointment to see her privately to find out more.

A few years prior, I had developed scarring on one of my lungs from a bout of pleurisy which left me with restricted breathing and pain. A specialist had told me the condition was untreatable, so when Suzuki Sensei asked why I had presented for treatment, I explained that I did not expect her to relieve my breathing problem, I was just curious about what Shisei Kinsei treatment involved. By the end of the session however, I could not feel the pain or restriction of my lung. No matter how deeply I breathed to try and feel the pain, it was gone! The problem slowly returned after a few weeks but the intensity was reduced. Further treatment from Suzuki Sensei cured me altogether and I became convinced of Shisei Kinsei's efficacy. I had finally found my path. I became determined to follow this mode of therapy for the rest of my life.

  • 1998: Bachelor of Science, University of Melbourne
  • 2002: Commenced Shisei Kinsei training under Suzuki Sensei
  • 2007-Present: Full-time Shisei Kinsei practitioner


2002年にメルボルンで開催されたジャパニーズ フェスティバルに行きました。そこで一人の療術師に気づきました。他の療術師の所では数人が待っているだけで、この人の所には、沢山の人が行列を組んで待っていました。施術は鈴木先生という人がやっていて「姿勢均整」と言う日本の手技だと言うことがわかりました。その日均整を受けた人は82人もいたのです。私はこの時、「姿勢均整」とはどんなものなのか強い興味がわき、後日予約をとりました。


  • 1998 メルボルン大学卒業 バイオメディカル サイエンス学科 科学学士
  • 2002 姿勢均整を学び始める
  • 2007ー現在 姿勢均整師 としてフルタイムで開業

Visiting Our Clinic 均整クリニック

WellBeing Entrance
Abbotsford Convent main courtyard
Clinic waiting room
Appointments 予約

Clinic visits are by appointment only. Please contact your practitioner directly to make arrangements. General enquiries can be made using the web contact form.


Address: 住所:

Rm C1-41 Convent Building, The Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford 3067

Rm C1-41 Convent Building, The Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford 3067

Inside the Abbotsford Convent Abbotsford地区の元修道院内の道順

Enter throught the front gate. Turn right, walk past the Convent Bakery towards the WellBeing entrance.

Stairs: Enter through the large brown door. Proceed up the stairs to the first floor. The waiting room is just inside the clinic on your right hand side.

Elevator: Walk past the WellBeing entrance, into the main courtyard, enter through the automatic doors next to Cam's Cafe on the left. The elevator is on the left hand side.

St Heliers の道を挟んで駐車場、反対側がConvent(元修道院) です。Conventの広い敷地内中央にBakery カフェ、この右手側の別棟が、WellBeing館です。大きな茶色のドアから入って2階です。待合室が右手にあります。
Victoria Park StationVictoria Park駅
Hurstbridge Line, South Morang LineHurstbridge線、South Morang線

Take the Hurstbridge or South Morang lines to Victoria Park station. Turning left, walk for 700m (10 mins) in an Easterly direction away from Hoddle Street. Turn right into Clarke Street, walk 100m and turn left in to St Heliers Street. After 140m the entrance to Abbotsford Convent appears on the right hand side. There is a public car park on the left.

Train Schedule

最寄駅 Victoria Parkを降りたら、Johnston Street 左折、700m(歩10分)先の、Clarke Streetを右折、100m先左折してSt Heliers Streetです。140m右手にAbbotsford Convent、左手🅿️があります。

Clarke Street Bus StopClarke Streetバス停
Abbotsford bus 200, 207Abbotsford バス 200番、207番

Disembark at the Clarke Street bus stop in Johnston Street. Proceed 100m down Clarke Street, then turn left in to St Heliers Street. After 140m the entrance to Abbotsford Convent appears on the right hand side. There is a public car park on the left.

Bus Schedule

Clarke Street駅 下車バス停すぐ近くに歩道橋があり、Clarke Streetはその下です。100m先左折するとSt Heliers Streetです。その140m右手にAbbotsford Convent、左手に🅿️があります。

1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford

The Abbotsford Convent is next to the Collingwood Children's Farm. From Melbourne CBD, it is approximately 15 minutes drive by car or 30 minutes ride along the Main Yarra Trail for bicycle riders. Both the Convent and Children's Farm are well known by taxi drivers who can drop you off by the front gate.

Time unlimited paid public car parking is available on the left hand side opposite the convent. Bicycle racks are available within the convent grounds.

St Heliers Streetをはさんで、左手に🅿️があります。右手がThe Abbotsford Conventです。